If you read my blogs, you know that we have been working on 'redecorating' the boys room, since we added the bunk beds. And since they will be getting ALOT of pictures at Aggie practices, games etc...over the next few years, I figured why not put a little AGGIE WALL together. So yesterday I went through some fun photos and put together a few collages for their room. Henry seemed to like all of them, the only one that Harrison showed any interest in was "THE COW!!!" that's what he calls Big Blue . I thought it was kind of funny. So here's to the start of our AGGIE collection!!! :) Henry said that he also would like to have an 'Aggie Autograph' wall, I think that was a great idea. I said "well, you have to have the Aggies sign stuff for you, for that"...he quickly replied, "I don't think that will be a problem mom!" Haha. I am pretty sure it won't be a problem H! :) He said that he will probably need a bigger room for all of his Aggie stuff by Jeffs sophomore year! lol So here's the BEGINNING!! :)
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