For the past month ever since around Dereks birthday I have formed an that is very time consuming, costs money and I will do a "hit" up to 10 times somedays! I cannot say that I am completely proud of this addiction, but it definitely has given me a certain "high" at times, a warm fuzzy, a feeling of satisfaction, it is something I feel I NEED to do.I have been so fortunate to have Derek, he has been so supportive of me during this time!I won't lie it has totally effected my family....but I dare say in a good way. The urge to act upon this has especially gotten stronger as we have been re-doing the boys beds.
What is it you may be wondering??? I have formed an addiction to KSLC. Yes my name is Jen and I am a KSL Classifieds addict!!
Now I know that addictions can be dangerous, but I feel that I can justify this addic
tion ...and
at it has been something positive. I can honestly say that others, besides my family have profited from this as well. Will I continue to act on this addiction??? Probably not,
nothing else will fit in our house :)
I am so excited about the times I "acted" on this addiction and glad that I did. So fo
r the final step of recovery I will show you the results of this habit I formed.
So now that I think about it, am I an addict or just a bargain shopper?!?!? ($25 TOTAL for all items shown:) Till next time.....
Classifieds are oddly addictive. I have to avoid craigslist unless I'm actually looking to buy something. Great bargain shopping!
haha very true! I have never tried Craiglist but I better not start huh?? lol
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