Tis the season!!! Wow, I cannot believe Christmas is in 17 days :) CRAZY, and I am not close to having all the shopping done, and still need to get the trampoline taken down..... I did however get all of our Christmas cards mailed :) So that is nice!! It has been very cold this winter!! The boys are behaving, and are anxious for Santas visit, though you would not be able to tell Harrison is excited due to one of the pictures :) You will know which one :) Henry is doing very well in school. He got to 10 points on AR tests (he takes tests on the books he reads) He has been reading the Henry and Mudge series and really enjoys them. He has decided that if he ever has a dog he wants to name it Mudge!! Okay :) He helped write names on envelopes for Christmas cards and even wrote Santa a letter. He loves playing out in the snow as long as he is bundled up!!! :)
Harrison is a character what can I say?? He has been pretty funny lately. Derek put the tree up (and our Christmas lights up on our house, they are Christmas Decor) not too long ago, and Harrison and Henry "helped". lol After the tree was up, Derek plugged it in. As soon as Harrison realized it was plugged in, he RAN over to the tree and yelled "FIRE!!" then started blowing on the lights!! It was one of the funniest things ever!! He did have his first official sleepover last Friday night at Gma and Gpas in Logan (the picture of the boys and Granpda P is when he picked them up for the sleepover). Harrison didn't get banned from from future sleepovers, but we were informed, it might be a "while" till HE is invited for another. :) lol
Things are going well. Derek and I had a rare, but awesome opportunity to go on a "date" we went to the Jazz game last Friday. They lost but it was fun. As I look back on this past year overall it has been a pretty good year! There are many things I am thankful for. Well, I will get to the part everyone looks at my blogs for, I will now download pictures!! ENJOY :) till next time....
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