Yesterday we went to Kohls and bought Harrison his first pair of underwear. And I must say, I am never taking him underwear shopping again!! WOW, what an experience. I was SO excited about the variety of characters they had in Harrisons size!! They had Toy Story 3, Elmo, Mickey Mouse, and Pixar collection. You would think it would be somewhat of an 'underwear heaven' for a little boy, he would be thrilled and not be able to choose due to the fact he wanted ALL of them. So Derek and I each held up 2 packages in front of him, we decided to let him choose. All I have to say is boy was that a mistake!! He went NUTS!!! Not with excitement and happiness, he threw a HUGE fit!! He HATED all of them. He cried and cried, Derek and I just stood there looking at each other puzzled, still holding the underwear up........we asked if he wanted Mickey-NO Toy Story 3-NO Elmo-NO Pixar-NO. We said then what do you want? And he replied, "ROBOTS" so we quickly looked to see what he was talking about. Low and behold we found the 'ROBOTS underwear"........it was rather unfamiliar territory YO-GABBA GABBA. It is a show that he watches only at Grandpa & Grandmas in Logan. Honest mistake to not have that as an option from the get go. So as we handed him the underwear package of his choice, the tears left and crying stopped! It's amazing how quickly that happens..... So we purchased the 'chosen' pair of underwear for him.
As soon as we loaded him in the car he asked me very politely to open the YO-Gabba Gabba underwear. He was SO excited. So we started the car and before we could leave the parking lot, I looked back and saw this, and thought to myself "OH DEAR!"...........I will admit it raised a concern I hadn't had before, I then realized that on top of the potty training, we will apparently need to throw in an UNDERWEAR wearing 101 course.......All I have to say is, it is going to be interesting :) And wish us luck!! :)
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