Well, I think that Harrison was 'the man with the plan' I have yet to mention that as we were walking out the door on our way to the Easter egg hunt, Harrison grabbed about 12 mini CRUNCH bars off the table and put them in his Easter basket. He knew what he wanted in his basket, so he was set already I guess, you could say he PRE-LOADED. And where he just stood there, he definitely was NOT a 'man on a mission'
I am not in any way justifying his stubbornness at the egg hunt, but it was EARLY in the morning and nothing was going to make him go pick up eggs!! Grammanita tried giving him some 'grandma' motivation, because I have found he listens better to grandma than mom at times. lol didn't work....
Derek tried to help him out by finding candy and setting it in his basket, since he is so 'monkey see, monkey do' we thought that might work.....well as soon as Derek would place it is his basket, Harrison would throw it right back out on the grass!! The only candy allowed in that basket was CRUNCH bars!!
I am hoping that next year will be a little different reaction....time will tell huh?? And next year, there will be no pre-loading permitted!! haha
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