So I admitted not too long ago that I was having issues with 'addiction' to KSLC. Now I am told that I am a 'holic' blogaholic that is.... and I have thought to myself, am I?? I don't feel that my blog would be the place to post that question....hmmm I just don't know, I love to blog, blogging to me is like a journal, scrapbook, all in one. And then you later publish it. I feel that scrapbooking can be so time consuming, not to mention pricey. Plus I just am not your Betty Crocker in the kitchen, sewing Suzy, and I don't think I have it in me to be a 'Sally scrapbook' type either. I like to support those who take the time to make things :) They just are not my cup of tea so to say, I prefer plain simple water ;)
Okay now that's out of my head and on here, let's get into some fun stuff that is worth writing about. ....THE BOY

S :) It is spring time, and I am happy to announce that the snow is MELTED!! So, what does that mean??? Spring soccer! So the other day the boys wanted me to go outside with them and Henry says, "WAIT!" he then goes into his room and grabs his headbands he has for soccer, and yes you did read that right he has 2 headbands. One for home games, and the other for away games :) Plus child recognition for me :) lol Now that I think about it, let's cover the boys individually:
Henry-is so excited and ready for spring soccer. Since he has grown like a weed, (a cute one if that's possible) we had to get him a new jersey this year, he chose his favorite # 21, we also had to get him new cleats because his foot has

grown from a size 11 to a 2 1/2 since last year! Crazy huh? He got a white headband last year, and added a yellow to his collection this year. He looks quite studly! I will be coaching him in soccer this year, and I am pretty excited he is a great little player. He showed me some pretty sweet 'ankle breaker' moves , while dribbling the ball the other day.
It was funny the other night (day before St. Patricks day) he had

gone to bed, and about 15 minutes later we hear him say, "Dad....are leprechauns real?" lol Derek of course told him that they were and that they like to watch kids sleep and dye their hair green while they are sleeping, so they don't get pinched on St. Patricks day. I will be honest I have never been to fond of them, that 'Darby O'Gill and the little people' movie and just the previews for the movie 'Leprechaun' freaked me out when I was little. Well the leprechaun never came, so Henry wore his green Jazz shirt to school. He continues to do very well in school. He is just a fun kid to have around. He has enjoyed watching March Madness till USU got beat. He tried on Dereks shoulder pads the other day with his "game face" and concluded the reason they have you wait till you are 8 to play football, is so you can move with the pads on, because they are heavy. It was cute the other day, he helped Harrison get some pants on....backwards, but it's the thought

that counts right? He

ntinues to master the Wii, he and Lil H like to play together on the same team or against each other. They can be the cutest team mates or quite the rivals!! lol ( i was just kidding about Dereks response about the leprechauns, Derek told him they are not real, we wanted him to sleep that night!)
Harrison- really I feel like all I have to do is type HIS name, and that is good enough, just leave the rest to your imagination, because if you think he did something, chances are he probably did or will. When we say that he is a monkey, we don't just mean 'look wise'. He can climb on anything, and gets into everything so that is why we have our house on 'lock down' mode all

day, doors shut and locked. He has mastered climbing onto Henrys bed which is the top bunk, we don't have a ladder yet, he uses the footboards and goes from bottom to top in 4 seconds! And that's not counting with 'Mississippi' in between the numbers! It was funny, the other day he thought he was being sneaky and climbed up on top, a few minutes later (I was standing right outside the door) I hear, "Mom, I stuck, I stuck help PleeeEASE!" (his voice has a tendency to go higher at the end of that word, still haven't figured it out) Anyways so I say, "Harrison where are you?" and he said "I in TROUBLE!" (in his lower Satanic voice he does) I walked into the roo

m and he had quite the GUILTY face on him, he had been caught on the top bunk!! I had to do everything I could not to laugh. I love that boy, especially when he has a cute moment, but sometimes that seems it's all it is a 'moment'. I think that Henry is teaching him to play the camera, because now when you take a picture of him and tell him to smile he turns into quite the cheese smiles and says "CHEEEEEESE!" What a goon! He has adjusted to his new big boy bed well and if he wakes up during the night (doesn't happen too often) he insists on staying in HIS bed! Yeah, that is a good thing! :) He is going to be quite the little soccer player also, he juked Henry a couple times the other day. I am debating when, and dreading the next step in his big boy life....POTTY TRAINING dun dun dun!!!! But I am sure that will be worthy of a post and a follow up. Well that's about it for now.
The boys just love hanging out with each other they will both get their bears and sit on the soccer beanbag together, all 4 of them. And for the most part they get along pretty well.
They are fun, very competitive at times but, learning how to be better sports, and to share more also. ENJOY

the pics, Until next time......