Thursday, January 3, 2013

I know I haven't blogged for a while........I have had a few other things on my mind....

Okay so looking back, I haven't blogged since about October and believe it or not I was about caught up back then. But are you really ever caught up on blogging??? haha Well, so I don't feel or look like such a slacker I will explain a big part of my blogging dilemma. So here ya go.

Back near the end of October I woke up one morning and was SO dizzy and lightheaded and could not shake it. I finally looked at Derek and told him I think I needed to go to Instacare because I had never been SO dizzy, and I just didn't feel good at all. And in the 9+ years of our marriage Derek has learned that whenever I say I think I should be seen it is usually pretty legit. haha So, we headed to Instacare, now let me make this clear, the WHOLE reason we went to Instacare was to bypass the ER since I work there, and because it seems whenever I check into the ER I end up being admitted for something. haha  And I didn't feel it was something real serious. Well, we got to Instacare and they took my vitals hooked me up to some monitors, and I bet we weren't even there for 15 mins before they told me to go to the ER to rule out a stroke!! Yeah, that was a fun car ride....So Derek being the gentleman he is went and checked me in at the front desk of the ER. We went back and they once again hooked me up to a bunch of monitors, ran several tests labs, radiology etc....and after 7 hours of them NOT being able to stablelize my vitals I was admitted to ICU for 3 days I was tachycardic the whole time! Yeah let me tell ya that was fun :)
 Upon discharge from ICU I was told I would need a heart monitor for 30 days, so they could figure out what was going on with my heart! Yeah...not 48-72 hours but 30 days. I would need to wear it 24/7 except when showering. So I picked up the monitor the day after being discharged.

And 30 days later on a nice crisp late November day while I was at an Aggie Football game it started beeping non-stop I didn't know what was going on, well come to find out it was DONE! (notice it says 30 days on it)

So I came home packed it up and shipped it back to Texas :) 

So in a nutshell THAT is why I have been a little behind on the blogging. I feel like I just turned 80 back in October instead of 30! :(

Upon follow up with the Cardiologist (in December) he DID have a diagnoses INAPPROPRIATE SINUS TACHYCARDIA he said my Sinus Node (which is the pacemaker of the heart) is misfiring going too fast, and throwing extra beats every now and then. My thoughts as soon as he gave the diagnoses, was... "well is tachycardia EVER appropriate??" haha
 It was kind of cool, he was able to show us the report from the monitor over the 30 days and it was pretty consistent every day. He said that while sleeping, your HR should be about 50-60 BPM, well my HR while sleeping was 80-90 BPM. Then during the day an average heart rate just going through day to day things on average should be between 100-120. He told me the highest mine should EVER be, like after a really hard, intense workout would be about 170. Well, my monitor said that MY average heart rate during the day was 160-190 BPM. was a little high ;) lol

  He presented 3 options to me:
1-try meds for a month  2-have a Cardiac Albation where he would go in and cauterize part of the Sinus Node. 3-give me a Pacemaker (BUT, that was our last choice where I am only 30) I opted for option #1 and have been taking pills to try and help regulate and lower my heart rate for the past month. I am really hoping that they have been working. I meet with him again this coming Monday the 7th so we will see :)

Now I do not tell you this for any sympathy, but it is just what has been going on in my life! And it is a HUGE part of me being SO far behind on my blog! :) What can I say....I just like to keep life exciting! :)

I WILL get caught up shortly hopefully! :)



Hang in there Jen. My sister-in-law just had an ablation. She had been on meds for a long time and then had the ablation and she is doing great. I'll keep you in my prayers.


Danielle! :) It is always great to hear from you! That is good to know, I am glad she is feeling better :)Hope things are well with you and your cute family!

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