So early this summer I decided it was FINALLY time for me to get my butt back into shape. I was sick of using the busy Mom excuse, and seeing myself in the mirror. I was serious! My mind went back to my high school training days and I started out, doing the simple, easier things I knew to do. I started jogging, then the jogging turned to running. I started out small distances then progressed to longer distances. Life was GOOD, I was feeling better, losing weight and looking better! (I think) I was actually starting to like what I saw in the mirror. I felt a little like Bob on what about Bob....doing BABYSTEPS at first, but hey he was better by the end of the movie right?!?!
I got to the point where I KNEW I could do it. My main objective complete Woman of Steel Relay at the end of September. So I kept running, biking, increasing the distance hopefully decreasing the time little each time. I was on my way :) It was just me, the road, hay fields and cows.....and thankfully my Ipod. I LOVE that thing, it is so nice to crank the music up so I couldn't hear just how out of shape I really was at the beginning.....haha I always found hearing myself struggling to catch a breath was a little deflating and defeating.....
I would get home from running or biking and I had the cutest little personal trainer waiting at home for me! Lil H would sit on the bench in the kitchen and anchor it while I would do crunches, it was GREAT! He would count while I did them. But, I had to do how many he told me too. Thank goodness he can't quite count past 50...but he would tell me do 20 x's 5! He even attempted sitting on my back while I did push ups......YEAH, that didn't last too long. Lets just say he is heavier than he appears! lol,
Things were going GREAT! I was no longer struggling to catch my breath, still kept the Ipod cranked up though. lol Then one day while running my knee locked up and wouldn't let me do much. Well I didn't think much of it. I thought I just irritated it.....I had knee surgery back in high school from a soccer injury. I kept running for about 3 weeks afterwards until one day I couldn't even walk.....So, I kind of took that as a sign that maybe I should get it just checked out. I went to the Orthopaedic specialist, and as I sat and told him what had happened and what it felt like....he was SURE that we would be looking at knee surgery again, and that he would need to go in and repair, the repair I had, had back in High School. He decided to do an MRI. I followed up with him the day after the MRI, and he said, "The good news, NO surgery.......the bad news, you fractured your Tibia Medial Plateau, SO no relay and you will most likely be on crutches 4-8 weeks." He then continued to tell me that these injuries can anywhere from 8-12 weeks to fully heal.....UGH that is all I can say. So I went from planning on a relay to crutches and a knee brace......Not too fun.
I will admit it is HARD being a Mom ON crutches! But, I had the boys who were the crutches patrol for the first 2 NON WEIGHT bearing weeks, they were quick to get them whenever I got up......Derek even put me in TIMEOUT once for not using them! SERIOUSLY!
But on a positive note Derek and I ARE going to be doing Ragnar next year. The doctor said he sees no reason why I cant aim for that! :)
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