I know that I am a recovering KSL addict. But this piano and I were DESTINED to be together! I TRULY believe that. I had seen it on KSL the day before, it had been posted for 5 hours, I LOVED it, though I feel the pictures posted in the ad did NOT do it justice. When I went to show Derek the piano it had a SOLD sign on it. My heart sank a little. So I thought Oh well, we have a little house anyways it probably wouldn't work anyways.
Well the next morning out of the blue, I just had a feeling to check KSL for pianos, lo and behold I saw the add had been reposted for 2 minutes!! I showed Derek and he encouraged me to call. So I DID!! The lady said that someone was supposed to pick it up the night before and never did, so she reposted it. Derek has known that I yearned for a piano and said, he would gladly make the drive to pick it up in LEHI!! He arranged for a trailer and went and got it for me! I still feel like I am dreaming when I think about how it all came together. The lady had told me that she just didn't use it and wanted to sell it. The asking price.......$100. NO LIE!! It is PERFECT, it is a Wurlitzer which is the brand I grew up playing on, I was pretty thrilled about that! Derek and I found out it was made in 1960....And I can honestly say I now LOOK FORWARD to coming home and playing the piano

My Dad was SO excited for me, he and Jeff came to help Derek get it in the house that night!! :) THANKS for the muscles men!
The boys were happy also! Lil H even did a Stevie Wonder impression ;) haha