I have learned throughout my life that there are some things that you ever only need to experience once, and you know to never do it again.....yeah, going to a corn maze with 6 young boys was my most recent experience.......
Big H turned 7 this month and wanted to have a party, so 20 days AFTER his birthday (was quick to remind me) we finally had a party with some of his friends. It was fun. We had a pinata, Henry let his friends go before him, he figured that by going last he would be the one that busts the pinata open.....well that plan didn't necessarily work as planned. Three of his friends went, each boy got to hit it twice. Then right before it was his turn, the poor little mummy fell to the ground and opened right up. He said that NEXT year he WILL be going first :) lol

After playing around outside for a while we loaded up all the little monsters and off to the Corn Maze we went!

We took a picture before in case anyone got lost while we were in there! haha

I found that boys don't really understand the term "don't run" very well

They each had a map and tried to figure out which way to go

Thank heavens for Derek and his Boy Scout map reading skills

Scarecrows, and ghosts, and scary guy under the stairs......OH MY!!

We reached a look out point, I asked the boys to point which direction they thought we should go....(notice the fingers pointing in all different directions?!?!) YIKES!!

What a pretty sunset!


We MADE it....we started the journey with 6 little boys, how many do you see??