So, I am not quite sure how I am feeling today, I know that a lot of moms are jumping for joy on the first day of school, and that they are glad that summer vacation is over.....well, call me weird, but I am not jumping today or glad that summer vacation is over. In fact I have been known to get a little teary eyed lately when I think that Big H will be gone ALL day at school.....Honestly, I don't know if it is going to be harder on Big H, Lil H, or me???? It has made me realize just how FAST your kids grow up, and I don't know that I like how fast time seems to fly!! And looking back had I known how fast summer vacation was going to fly by, I am thinking would've, should've, could've(s). Overall I think and hope that we can consider this summer a good and fun one!!
I am amazed at how smart Big H is, and I think he is just so DARN cute!! I have come to realize that he is not just a boy, he is a BIG boy now.....he is growing up and the only thing I can do about it is make sure that I enjoy EVERY second I can!! Thank goodness he still gives me hugs and kisses and tells me he loves me!! He is excited to start school, but he himself even gets a little teared up when he thinks about being away from his little buddy and best friend ALL DAY!! But, Derek gave him a really nice Fathers Blessing last night, and I think that it helped both Henry and myself feel better about things!! Well, enough of the "sad/teary" thoughts, he are some pics of Big H on back to school night, and his FIRST day of 1st grade this morning....ENJOY :)
He found his cubby
This is where his coat will/should go
He is on the "class roster" lol
The CUTEST 1st grader
He was pretty excited!!
Have I mentioned he's a cutie??
Lil H waving bye to"his Henry"
The BUS is here
I LOVE ya H!!