Thursday, June 30, 2011

A crappy start to the day

Sunday morning, before church the boys had a bath and they were having a pretty good time entertaining each other with bubble blowing contests and by seeing who could do the longest clown cheek, they were laughing at each other and everything, that is until.....I am just glad that you don't have to worry about Cryptosporidium or E-coli in the bath, and I am VERY thankful that you don't have to shut the bath down for 24-48 hours!

Plus he just had such a good attitude about it!!I will give Harrison an E for EFFORT, really when you think about it, he WAS in the bathroom and he was only like 2 feet away from the toilet.....

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Today is Fathers Day, and I am so thankful for Derek and the example he sets, and the role model he is. He is such an amazing dad. I know that the boys love him so much.

There is a saying, "Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a daddy!" Well Derek IS not just the boys father, he is there DADDY!

So when it came time to get a card for fathers day, Henry wanted to make him a card because it is more special that way!!

I decided to also make him a card, why buy a Hallmark when you can have an edible card? lol

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Oh what do you do in the summertime???

Oh what do you do in the summer time when all the world is green???

Do you play basketball in a pool to keep your self cool

or jump on a "wet" trampoline so high

is that what you do I

Oh what do you do in the summer time when the sun shines bright each day??

Do you play with water, when the temperature gets hotter

or play a baseball game??

I am going to end this now, before it gets lame........

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Weinie Roast

So today we were invited to a roast at my in-laws house, no worries we did no roast my mother in law or father in law, although they were there. The recipient of our roasting was HOT DOGS!! Henry thought it was a cool idea and was pretty excited.

My in-laws have a fire pit, thanks to Adri and Grammanita for building the fire.

I think both boys were somewhat fascinated with the fire. Yeah they may have a little "Pyro" gene in them thanks to maybe....their mom!! lol

The boys used their mini-muscles and helped carry and set up the chairs!!

Adri helped Henry out with the cooking of the hot dog while I was busy watching Harrison and keeping him away from the flames.

Henry's first roasted dog turned out ........ a SUCCESS

Henry then tried making a smore, Adri told him to stuff the whole thing in his mouth at he did!! lol He told me after that he probably won't put the WHOLE thing in his mouth again until he is older and his mouth is bigger!! :) It was a fun time, gotta LOVE the smell of camp fire smoke, especially when it is all over you. lol

My D.I find

So today we went to the D.I just for fun, I hardly ever go there, but boy am I glad I did. I found 2 items, and ended of buying both. As the saying goes, "one (wo)mans trash, is another (wo)mans treasure!!! lol I was SO excited about my finds.




TOTAL $6.00


The Zoo (more a bird refuge)

Today while Derek was working, the boys and I had some FUN!! We went to Great Harvest and they both got a GIANT cookie, and I had a HUGE slice of Wheat bread (sample) lol. After going to Great Harvest we decided to go to the Zoo.

Harrison has been wanting to go see the monkeys, and since he believes he is part monkey, I figured why not......Henry was excited to see the Peacock, and said that he wasn't afraid of it anymore!! They had alot of fun, Harrison tried communicating with the Monkeys with his little 'ew ew aw aw' voice he does, yeah....the monkeys just kept walking around minding their own business.

Both boys quacked at all the ducks

Henry tried connecting with the birds, doing various bird sounds and
must have connected with a duck that looked like the 'AFLAC' duck, because it followed Henry along the fence and kept quacking at him, it was pretty funny!!

The boys both liked seeing the turtles, there were GIANT ones

and SMALL ones.

Harrison even tried walking like a turtle! lol

Henry was excited to see the Bobcats, since he might be one some day, but was a little disappointed to find BOTH of them sleeping.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Henry had the awesome opportunity to attend his first Football Camp this past Tuesday. He slept over at Gpa & Gma's Monday night, and when he woke up Tuesday morning he was pretty excited and told Gpa & Gma that he was going to, "SHOW THEM HOW IT'S DONE!" referring to the camp. Well, he was serious!! He got up to the camp and was able to visit and chat with some of the coaches. Henry and Coach A are on a first name basis, lol really though they are...

Mark Andersen was in charge of registration

Henry and Coach A
the kick is up.........and it's........

Henry and Coach Baldwin
Offensive Coordinator

Henry with Coach Wells

Henry with Coach Tuiaki (he calls Henry "Little Manning")

Henry being a LINEMAN (might need to gain a little weight lol)
COACH GUROLLA (holding the pad for H)
Big H during the scrimmage

being a Safety on D, protecting against the deep ball (that's what he said)

Big H playing tight D (left corner)

He had a fun time and said that his favorite part of the camp was doing field goals (he hit the post on one of his kicks) passing, and tackling, so pretty much EVERYTHING lol. He also enjoyed the scrimmage and did a GREAT job, he threw for 1 Touchdown, had 2 knockdowns on defense, and 1 TD reception. I made it to the last part of the camp, and was one of his knockdowns (he did it with authority) I was also able to see him catch his TOUCHDOWN reception, in celebration he SPIKED the ball!! haha

Good job Big H!! Way to 'SHOW THEM HOW IT'S DONE!!'

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Kindergarten Grad

Henry Grant Hardy graduated from Kindergarten on June 1st. I think it would be safe he graduated with those who know him I am sure would agree!! He is excited and looking forward to starting 1st grade, but then at the same time he doesn't really want to be away from Little H till 4 pm everyday. Here are some fun pics of my cute grad BEFORE graduation!! His LAST day as a Kindegartener LOVE YA H :)

One of these things just doesn't belong..

We have been 'attempting' to teach Harrison to sit on the toilet when he has to go #1 or #2. The other day before we headed to Logan , Harrison told me, "minute I need to poop!" He walked into the bathroom, and did this. As I looked at the pictures after taking them, it reminded me of one of those pictures you are given and you are suppose to circle things that don't belong. So I want you to take a look at the pictures of Harrison sitting on the toilet and see if you can find at least ONE object that doesn't belong....... GOOD LUCK

Making sure there is enough water in the toilet first! lol
I guess that we should at least give him an E for EFFORT and a C for being CUTE, who smiles on the toilet??
Not sure if he was concentrating really hard, or if he dozed off for a minute...

Going to flush!! Not quite sure what he is flushing. He just likes to flush!

So, did you find anything?? There is for sure ONE object that doesn't belong.......what is it??