As the new year has begun, I have thought about the past year and the many things that occurred. And I must say it was a GOOD year :)
Henry- his Colts made it to the Super bowl!! He sent one Uncle on a mission, and welcomed one home. He attended his first Utah Jazz game (got 5 signatures on his pennant including Jeff Hornacek and Frank Layden), played his first spring soccer game (ended the season with 14 goals!), when he was not playing soccer in the spring he was chilling up at Romney Stadium with "his boys" the Utah State football team and grandpa at their spring practices. Graduated from Riverside Preschool. Sleepovers in Logan. He really accelerated in the swimming lessons and does a great contact dive, he can tread for 263 seconds in the 8 ft and counts out loud the WHOLE time. lol He memorized all 50 states and their capitals in just a week, he started kindergarten where he is quickly accelerating in reading he read pretty much the whole Henry & Mudge series now (he said if we ever get a dog he wants to name it Mudge). For his birthday he got his first cowboy hat and pair of cowboy boots which he wears when he goes with Grandpa to check on the cattle. Became a "real" cowboy and learned how to "go outside" in the field!! (thanks grandpa). In December he learned to tie his shoes (and got a bell on his shoe, it jingled all December, still is...) he has had a great year.
Harrison- that kid has pressed his luck quite a bit this past year. I knew that it was just a matter of WHEN?? Would we make our first trip to the ER for stitches, staples, cast....etc. Well that trip came October 17th, the result 6 staples in the back of his head. Did he learn??? I wouldn't necessarily say that. He is just a monkey!! He had a lot of fun this past year, he loved cheering for Henry during his soccer games, met his Uncle Landen for the first time (liked him from the get go). We "attempted" swimming lessons with him...let's just say he WILL take next summer, and he WILL stay in the pool no matter the lengths ;) Harrison liked to get in the pool and play, just didn't like the lessons with structure and learning ;) really whatever Henry was doing, Harrison could have been considered his shadow. Whether it was jumping on the trampoline, playing football and tackling Henry, yes TACKLING, shooting hoops at either Grandparents house, where ever Henry was, Harrison probably was also. He enjoyed and sat still during the USU football games. He learned the HAKA from Jeffs highlight video, and he will perform anytime, anywhere even during sacrament meeting ;)....oh, yeah he attended his FIRST sleepover in Logan. (hoping it wasn't his last;)
Both of the boys loved hanging out with dad too, they even helped him put the new grass in the backyard, they BOTH love playing on it. And they each had big birthday parties ;)
So in honor of the past year, I will download some pics that relate to the content of this blog ENJOY ;)