So the title makes sense in my head. If it doesn't to you yet, hopefully it will at the end of this little post. Henry received a haircut the other day and at the end of it, Derek said he would spray Henry off with the hose. So hence the title, Derek is the hoser and Henry is the hosed. lol
Haircuts are not the only thing that has gone on lately, we went bowling and Dad started out with a STRIKE his first attempt. Then one day while I was in the kitchen Harrison grabbed the broom and just started sweeping away, I PROMISE I do not practice child labor in any way!! Harrison likes to crawl in Henrys bed lately and hide, he thinks he's pretty funny. And Henry attended back to school night and met his teacher, that was fun he is excited to be a LEOPARD. Harrison had his 2nd bday but I will write about that in an upcoming post. One thing that I found funny, was one day I told the boys to go stand by the door and I would take a picture, so they did. I then said "Say Cheese", so Harrison said, "CHEEEEEESE". It is the picture of the boys together. It was funny. Enjoy, till next time :)