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With Mothers Day yesterday, I was able to sit back and reflect on being able to celebrate my 4th official mothers day. As I reflected for the 5 minutes of peace and quiet (if that) I thought of alot of fun times I have already had as a mom, the things I have learned, ya know patience really IS a virtue, the saying should be "If your sons ain't happy...ain't nobody happy", the saying "mothers work from son up till son down" is so true, also "Motherhood is not for sissys" is a fact! After reflecting though I can honestly say I look forward to the next 4 years! BRING THEM ON!! :) I never realized just how much your heart could love a little person (not talking about midgets) talking about my boys!! It is an AMAZING kind of love. Always unconditional, it's awesome!! A simple smile (whether it be a mouth full of teeth including 2 silver or, just 4 two on top two on bottom) or 4 simple words "Mom I LOVE YOU" it can make any worry, concern disappear! I have also learned the saying "Don't sweat the small stuff" should be posted in every mothers home!! I have learned that to entertain your child and see them smile you would go to any length. (Derek will never know) It's between me and the boys. Sometimes I surprise myself though. :) I was told I was "tender"hearted all growing up, now that I am a heart could be considered a perfect steak! We have recently updated photos to the computer. So I will just leave you with some pics of the boys that complete my life! Until next time...

Hello everybody who takes the time to read this. I've been wanting to do this for a while. So here we go. Life is going well, out in the small town of Newton. We have been out here for a year and a half now. Originally that was not the game plan, but if an animal can adapt to a new habitat and enviroment, I figured I could too. I just pretend that I am at a farewell or homecoming every Sunday.HENRY- Henry is now 4 1/2 years old. He is good old Henry. He is enjoying the nice warm weather we are finally having. On the sunny days he likes to go out play football, soccer, or shoot hoops. He also loves to jump on his trampoline. He forms real football formations with anything he can find. (ie cars, checkers, his mini football helmets) he keeps the score to the games with the magnetic numbers kids put on the fridge. If you were to show him a helmet of an NFL team he would be able to tell you which team it is. He has conquered the teams in the NFL and is close to memorizing the NBA teams. He recently attends the preschool at the hospital twice a week and enjoys it. Sadly he will not be attending kindergarten for another year and a half. Every night he says his prayers, and reads Derek and I a bedtime story (yes you read that correctly, reads to us). Now the reason I said sadly he will not attend kindergarten for a year and a half, is because he is already reading 2nd grade level books. He is a great big brother. His most recent big adventure ocurred yesterday, when he went to Dr. Doug and received a silver tooth!!HARRISON- Harrison is now 8 1/2 months old. He is getting 4 teeth in, two on the top and two on the bottom, center location. He is on the verge of crawling on his knees, but has yet to do so. He has the "army" crawl down though, and he is very fast. I am thinking he will be one of those "tubes in the ears" kids, he is starting to make ear infections a hobby. He gives the best, wettest kisses I think I have ever received. (sorry Derek) If you are lucky he will blow a popper on your cheek or neck, which ever location is most convenient at the time. He has bit himself 4 times now, and every time, it is the same reaction, he gets a puzzled look on his face, then looks at me, bottom lip quivers and then the crying begins. You'd think he'd learn:) He has discovered baby cheetos, cheerios, saltines, and bread and thinks next to milk they are all the next best thing. Every morning Harrison wakes up releases gas, and crawls into Henry's room. He loves him so much. I like to think he has 3 words he now says ," hi. hello, and hey" okay 4 because I really do believe he says "mom"! Others would disagree but I think it is only because he has yet to say "dad"! :)Derek is still doing Pest Control and Lawn Care, and I am still at the ER. Better go! Until next time!